Sunday, March 4, 2012

Hey guys how are you. Okay here's the thing I promised to recommend books to you so here goes:
                                                                 Book of the Week or Day or whatever:
                                                                                         By: Becca Fitzpatrick
Okay for all you angel loving paranormal freaks out there I got the book for you. Hush Hush is probably the most epic angel book known to man. I give it about 10 thumbs up.... you know if I had 10 thumbs which I don't........ maybe. Anyway this book combines dark romance, suspense, fallen angels and a whole lot more until you are literally on the edge of your seat the whole time. It's really that good. And can I say the main guy character? Yeah he's probably the KING of all bad boys. No bad boy can even come close. Though many have tried. Anyway with that said I conclude my Book of the Week segment. I hope you found this enjoyable and will you please exit to the left of the theature. Thank You.
                                                                            Just kidding.

 So on to more pressing matters...... I found a song that I think you guys will like. It's by Safetysuit and don't worry if you've never heard of them I hadn't either until a few months ago. It's one of those songs you can listen to when you're having a bad day or something. Anyway the song is Find a Way. Enjoy.  ......... Okay since the computer's being retarded than I'll just do this:

                        Manga: Urusei Yatsura  Artist: Rumiko Takahashi Statis: Extremely wierd.
                                                              Conclusion: AWESOME!!!!!
Need I say more.

Oh and as a closing thought: Who do you think would be a more awesome battle if zombies fought vampires or werewolves. Think about it and get back to me.

Saturday, March 3, 2012

                                                        WELCOME BOOK NERDS!!!!!

Can't find a book you really like? Are you forced to read the same books over and over again? Well the slump is over ladies and gents! In this blog you not only have books from some pretty AWESOME writers, but also Manga, Art and Writers Tips from professional Writers themselves! Is that cool or is that cool? Have I completely pulled you in? Are you blown out of your mind?! No. Well sor-ry. : (

Anyway quick Introduction. My name's Jamie the girl Jamie not the boy. I'm a Writer/Artist/Highschooler. My goals in life....... hmmm. Oh 1. To have my stories published one day and have it be as awesome as say.... L.J Smith's. 2. To get the heck out of Highschool. I mean do you really want to spend 8 hours in one place forced to listen to something that in just a matter of months you'll forget anyway? I don't know about you, but I don't. And while I'm finally in Highschool I find myself missing my Elementary/Middle School days. I mean come on they were pretty awesome. I mean you could get away with so much! It was heaven. Now if you step over one line you shouldn't you were sent to the Control Room. You have little to no freedom in there.

Anyway enough with my ranting on about how much I don't like Highschool let's get down to business. Which is that I'm tired and I'm probably going to go to bed after I finish this up. But as a parting gift I leave this for you:

AWWWWWWW!!!!!????? Isn't that the cutest robot on a tiny little bicycle that you have ever seen? God I'm such a girl.

Oh and this:
Read it. If you don't like it you don't like it, but at least you got a taste of one of the world's really good Writers.